This course considers both theoretical backgrounds and practical aspects of modeling data with regression models. The focus is on linear and logistic regression models, although other models, like Poisson models or non linear regression models for continuous data will also be discussed.
Included topics are: simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, variance and covariance analysis (using a regression approach), adjustments for confounding, interaction, polynomial and other non linear regression models, logistic regression, goodness-of-fit, multivariate modeling, conditional logistic regression, generalized linear regression models, and the building of prediction models.
Course material
All study materials are supplied electronically only in the Boerhaave Learning Environment, and will be made available partially before, and partially during the course.
Basic knowledge of statistics is required (equivalent to the Boerhaave course "Basic methods and reasoning in Biostatistics"). Students are highly recommended to follow the Regression Analysis course, before proceeding with the more advanced ‘Analysis of Repeated Measurements’ course.
A computer / laptop with proper internet access for all participants is mandatory. All statistical methods are practiced, using SPSS (recommended software). Students should have access to latest version of SPSS. Using other software is possible, but no support will be provided for this during the course.
Teaching environment
The course consists of daily, online self-study hours with video's and practical exercises, and on campus plenary Q&A sessions and discussions with the teacher. At the end of each day, solutions from the practical assignments are discussed during a general session of approximately one hour.
Certificate of attendance
In order to obtain a proof of participation, it is mandatory to attend the introduction on Monday and all daily Q&A sessions and plenary discussions. In addition, all practical assignments should be completed. If you have participated in the full course, you will receive a certificate of attendance within two weeks. Completing a post-course assignment is required to complete the course. This assignment will be graded with a 'pass' or 'fail'. ECTS: 1,5.
Course material and lecture video's are all in English.
Target group
Master and PhD students in the bio-medical sciences.
Organizing committee
- Dr. B.J.A. Mertens (B.J.A.Mertens@lumc.nl)
* Interested in another statistics course? Please visit our website to check out the various courses that are offered by Boerhaave Nascholing.
- Building: Gebouw 1, Route: 764, Room: Collegezaal-3 Route description to the LUMC and parking